Welcome to St. Patrick Church

Come to the Supper of the Lamb. Bring Christ to a world hungry for his truth given in love.

Welcome to St. Patrick Church

Come to the Supper of the Lamb. Bring Christ to a world hungry for his truth given in love.

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Monday through Friday: 11:45 AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil
Sunday: 7, 9, 10:30 AM, and 12 Noon.
Holy Days, Holidays: All Masses.
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The History of St. Patrick Church

View a tabulated history of the parish here.

A few quick facts about St. Patrick's Catholic Church:

  • It is over 150 years old;
  • It is surrounded by old warehouses and a secular community college;
  • It is located in the downtown core of a major metropolitan city;
  • It has no “neighborhood” - no houses, no families, no community;
  • It was established and built by poor Irish immigrants.

If your first reaction to these facts was: “It would take a miracle to fill that church with parishioners”, you would have a good chance of being right anywhere in the United States. If you said that about our Saint Patrick’s Church, you'd be very wrong.

Welcome to Saint Patrick Church of Columbus, Ohio. We are a growing and diverse parish, full of youthful, traditional, and, some say, evangelical parishioners. Our strength, however, in this hostile environment is largely a result of the steadfast efforts of the Dominican Fathers to carry on their tradition of strong Catholic preaching, instruction, worship and devotion. This article is your introduction to the history and tradition of St. Patrick’s.

Until 1850, all Catholics in Columbus attended Holy Cross Church near German Village, which is historically the Mother Church. By 1850, the rapidly increasing German and English speaking populations realized the need for a new parish. Therefore, the members of Holy Cross voted to remove the English speaking Catholics to a new parish, to be known as St. Patrick’s. In February of 1851, Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati approved creation of the new parish and designated Reverend John Furlong as pastor.

For the first year, both parishes shared Holy Cross Church. After much prayer, planning and fund raising, newly appointed pastor Father James Meagher negotiated the purchase of a suitable site on Seventh Street (now Grant Ave.) for the sum of one thousand dollars. Plans were adopted for a Norman Gothic design, with two glorious towers patterned after the ancient castles of Ireland. The cornerstone was laid with great fanfare and ceremony on September 5,1852. Construction was nearly halted on several occasions due to lack of funds, yet on Sunday, September 25, 1853 Holy Mass was celebrated within the walls of St. Patrick Church for the first time. Two years later, a large bell with a beautiful, deep tone was hung in the south tower. Over the next several years, side altars and the large pipe organ were added. A residence for the pastor and his curates was established by Reverend Edward Fitzgerald in the l860’s.

By the end of the Civil War, it was apparent that the parish had outgrown the church. Devoted to serving the people of Columbus, Father Fitzgerald purchased land on Broad Street for a new church. That church is now known as St. Joseph’s Cathedral. Soon after, Father Fitzgerald was consecrated and appointed Bishop of Little Rock, Arkansas, by Pope Pius IX, much to the dismay of parishioners who unsuccessfully circulated a petition opposing his transfer.

In February, 1867, The Right Reverend Sylvester Rosecrans arrived from Cincinnati, announcing to all parishioners that he came simply as Pastor of St. Patrick Church. However, it was widely known that Columbus had already been selected as one of ten new dioceses authorized for the United States.

By 1855, the brick structure of Saint Patrick Church was complete. In those days, St. Patrick’s was located in a large field on the outskirts of town. Columbus lay mostly to the South and West. Directly West of St. Patrick’s, near High Street, was Union Station. A mud road connecting the railroad station with St. Patrick’s became known as the “Irish Broadway”. As the parish grew and houses were built on either side of the road, this mud road was finally christened “Naghten Street”.

Although many of the original interior features of St. Patrick’s were lost during the great fire of 1935, newspaper clippings and early photographs from 1875 show a finely painted, richly detailed interior. In the early days, the church interior was dominated by traditional Catholic paintings hung on the walls. Near the ceiling were simple paintings of the symbols of the Catholic Church, such as chalices, doves, and the Sacred Heart.

By 1877, the original walls had begun to weaken and a general refurbishment was undertaken. Large brick buttresses were added to the exterior of the main church walls. These buttresses are located on the outside of the church building.

The “new” organ has over 2,000 pipes and dates from the Great Fire of 1935 church between each stained glass window. In the 1880s, the original roof shingles were replaced with a well braced slate roof and colored glass windows were installed. In 1882, the first lifelike representations of Saints were painted directly on the walls and ceiling.

In 1885, the Bishop of Columbus requested that the Dominican Order take charge of St. Patrick’s. Under Dominican leadership, St. Patrick’s gained fame as the first school and church in Columbus to have centralized steam heat rather than individual stoves.

Many of the interior features we see today were installed in the early 1900s. In 1909, the Blessed Virgin’s Sodality donated the stained glass window that is seen high on the left side of the sanctuary. It depicts St. Dominic receiving the Rosary. The Holy Name Society gave us the high window on the right of the sanctuary, which depicts St. Patrick preaching to the pagan High King of Ireland, Leary, and his druids. In 1911, Bishop Hartley gave us our beautiful main altar in thanksgiving for the role that St. Patrick’s played in his own spiritual formation as a young man. The Harding family donated the two side altars. By the mid-1920s, the magnificent Belgian stained glass windows were purchased and installed. Through the grace of God, all these “modern” improvements survived the great fire.

May 28, 1935 was a windy, nasty day. Routine repairs to the roof of the church were nearing completion when a workman’s blowtorch accidentally ignited the dry straw in a bird’s nest hidden in the rain spouting. The Columbus Fire Department reacted quickly and efficiently. Through their heroic efforts, the walls of the church were saved and the magnificent stained glass windows were unscathed.

The great pipe organ, on the other hand, was completely ruined; however, ample insurance covered the loss. In little over a year, the church was reopened.

During reconstruction many improvements were made. Confessionals were recessed into the side walls and pillars which previously supported the choir loft were removed. Beautifully sculpted Stations of the Cross were hung, and new pew heads bearing the Irish shamrock were installed. As a final “improvement”, the Shrine of Blessed Margaret of Castello was installed in the space formerly occupied by the old confessional. During the rebuilding, Holy Mass was held in the adjacent school building. Today, some evidence of the great fire remains. An adventurous climb high into the North Tower will reveal the charred remains of some of the original church rafters.

After World War II, newspaper clippings and photos revealed the interior of St. Patrick’s as finely detailed and very ornate. Each window, painting and statue was surrounded by an intricate geometric pattern. By the 1970s, the interior of our church was in need of refurbishment again, and the pastel blue and muted white color scheme we see today was selected. This latest remodeling simplified the interior design of the church and enhanced the beauty and appeal of the historic features of Saint Patrick Church.

Saint Margaret of Castello was born of a wealthy, noble Italian family near Florence in 1287. Born a hunchback, dwarf, blind and lame, her family was ashamed of her and kept her hidden in virtual imprisonment for nine years in a tiny cell attached to a forest church. It was only through the family chaplain that Saint Margaret came to know God. Seeking a miracle, her parents took her to a Franciscan Shrine. When she wasn’t cured, they abandoned her.

Saint Margaret’s faith and courage inspired others in the community to take pity on her and to help her survive. Eventually she became a member of the Dominican Third Order of Castello, where she lived an exemplary life of prayer, penance, and charity. Her incorrupt body lies under the main altar in St. Dominic’s Church, Castello, Italy.

Margaret of Castello was declared Blessed by the Catholic Church on October 19,1609. She was canonized a saint on April 24, 2021. Saint Margaret is an inspiration to those who are discouraged and tempted to self-pity. The Shrine of Saint Margaret at St. Patrick Church is one of three in the United States, the other two being in Dominican churches in Louisville and Philadelphia.

On October 31, 2021 at St. Patrick’s the Most Reverend Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Columbus, celebrated Mass in honor of St. Margaret. After the Mass Bishop Brennan elevated her Shrine at St. Patrick Church to be a Diocesan Shrine, encouraging the faithful to make pilgrimages to seek the intercession of St. Margaret.

The Dominican presence in the United States can be traced to Most Reverend Edward Dominic Fenwick, first Bishop of Cincinnati. Born in southern Maryland in 1768, young Fenwick was sent abroad to complete his studies at Holy Cross College in Belgium, a college of English Dominicans. Father Fenwick was ordained in 1793, and later convinced his superiors to allow him to migrate back to his native United States.

Father Fenwick was quickly dispatched to join settlers moving West. In 1806, he established the first U.S. Dominican House and Church in Springfield, Kentucky. By 1818, he established the first Catholic Church in Ohio near Somerset. Father Fenwick wrote a friend in England “that in the State of Ohio there are 500,000 souls and not a single priest with a home of his own.” Through his apostolic work, Father Fenwick earned the title “Apostle of Ohio”. Until 1824, the only priests in Ohio were Dominicans.

Today, the Dominican Order has four Provinces in the United States. Columbus is in the Eastern (St. Joseph’s) Province, which includes over 300 priests and brothers working at home and in the missions.

The Tabulated Parish History

February 1851 Fr. John Furlong receives permission from Archbishop John Purcell of Cincinnati to form St. Patrick Parish. The new Irish parish continues to meet at Holy Cross with different Mass times from the German speakers of Holy Cross.
1852 Fr. James Meagher becomes the pastor of the newly-constituted parish on the corner of Grant Avenue and Naghten Street.
Sept. 5, 1852 Archbishop Purcell lays the cornerstone.
Sept. 25, 1853 Archbishop Purcell solemnly dedicates the new church.
1854 School building is built.
  • Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur for the girls
  • Brothers of the Holy Cross for the boys
1857 Rectory building is constructed.
1866 To relieve overcrowding, St. Joseph (later to become the Cathedral) is established on Broad Street.
1867 St. Patrick’s Pastor, Rev. Edward Fitzgerald, is consecrated Bishop of Little Rock, Arkansas and leaves St. Patrick’s.
1867 Bishop Rosecrans arrives in Columbus as Pastor of St. Patrick’s. St. Patrick’s serves as the pro-cathedral until St. Joseph Cathedral is ready on Christmas Day 1872. Bishop Rosecrans moves to the Cathedral rectory.
1885 Bishop John Watterson invited the Dominican Order to take over administration of St. Patrick’s.
Early 1890’s First church organ is installed.
Sept. 12, 1905 Bishop James Hartley, a son of the parish, invites Dominicans to establish Aquinas High School.
1909 Bishop Hartley donates the main altar in thanksgiving for his vocation.
1920 Present stained glass windows are installed.
May 1935 During routine roof repairs, the entire roof is set ablaze and collapses into the church. Walls and stained glass are preserved.
1935 -1936 The Church is repaired and renovated; the present Stations of the Cross, the confessionals on the north and south walls, and a new organ were installed; Fr. James McKenna establishes the Shrine and Guild of Blessed Margaret.
1950 Population shifts from city to suburbs. Highways are built and neighborhood is greatly diminished.
1959 Elementary School is closed.
1965 Aquinas High School is closed.
1970-80’s St. Patrick’s is considered an aging inner city parish.
1990 Faithful Roman Catholics are attracted back to St. Patrick’s by its orthodoxy and Dominican preaching.
Late 1990’s Parish realized the goal of building a parish center and refurbishing of church structure.
Sept. 2003 Parish opens new parish center and renovated church building on the date of its Sesquicentennial.
Jan. 2016 St. Patrick hosted the Dominican Province of St. Joseph’s start of the 800th Jubilee Year of the founding of the Order of Preachers. Mass was broadcast on EWTN, followed by a gala celebration at the Ohio Statehouse.
Jan. 2016 St. Patrick's first live streamed broadcast from the Church.
Mar. 2016 Fr. Peter Totleben, OP, ordained by Bp. Frederick Campbell in St Patrick Church; the first ordination in the Church since the 19th Century.
Sept. 2017 St. Patrick's Dominican Community is elevated to the status of Priory, ensuring at least six Friars always in residence.
Summer 2018 The church's 83 year old slate roof is replaced, with lightning protection added.
Nov. 2019 St. Patrick parish dedicates the restored/renovated/completed Muller Pipe Organ, Muller II/22.
Oct. 2021 Bp. Robert J. Brennan elevates the Shrine of St. Margaret of Castello to the status of a Diocesan Shrine.

St. Patrick Church and Parish Center

St. Patrick Church is located on the corners of Naghten Street, Grant Avenue, and Mount Vernon Avenue. The church, rectory and new parish center are all built of an exterior red brick with sandstone ornamentation. St. Patrick Church was completely renovated from floor to ceiling in anticipation of its Sesquicentennial Celebration in 2003. The interior of the church contains a large vaulted ceiling in a simple Romanesque architectural style.

Parish Picture with Social HallThe vestibule of the church contains shrines to St. Therese of Lisieux and the Infant of Prague , the usher's room, and the entrance stairway to the choir loft. Just above the main entrance of the church's interior is a cross-stitch tapestry of St. Patrick which was brought to Columbus by Irish immigrants in the 19th century. To the left of this tapestry is a reliquary which holds the major relics of Bl. Margaret's heart (which is venerated each Wednesday), a gold reliquary of numerous Dominican Saints, a relic of our Patron St. Patrick, and relics of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Gianna Molla, and Blessed Pier Giorgio. Throughout the church there are candles available for invocation of the saints and prayer.

To the left of the reliquary is the Shrine of Bl. Margaret of Castello. Her Guild was established here in 1935. The statue is carved from a solid piece of wood and depicts Margaret's handicaps, namely that she was blind and lame, walking with the support of a cane. The tapestry on the right hand wall depicts the life of our Little Margaret. The cross is made from the original church timbers burned in the 1935 fire and has been named the Cross of Sorrow. The banister newel post on the left hand wall of the shrine is from the stairway of the old St. Patrick School building that was razed to make room for the new parish center.  It holds a relic of Bl. Margaret for personal veneration.

The beautiful wood floor is of red oak interspersed with occasional maple boards and surrounded by a discreet border of walnut. The inlaid shield of the Dominican Order of maple and walnut is a prominent feature adorning the space in front of the altar. The solid oak pews are carved with shamrocks. Confessionals on the north and south sides of the church match the wainscoting along the north, south, and west walls. Stations of the Cross encircle the body of the church.

Framed portraits of the saints look down upon the congregation. Beginning with the northeast corner and continuing to the southeast corner are St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Antoninus, St. Agnes of Montepulciano, St. Vincent Ferrer, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frasatti, St. Gianna Molla, St. Hyacinth, St. Catherine de Ricci, Pope St. Pius V, St. Rose of Lima, and Our Holy Father Dominic. The large framed painting in the center of the ceiling depicts in the top panel the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in the bottom panel, the Apostles on earth, peering into the empty tomb which has miraculously sprouted fresh flowers. The painting over the Bl. Mother shrine depicts Our Lady giving the Holy Rosary to St. Dominic in the presence of the Christ Child. The painting over the St. Joseph shrine depicts Saints Joachim and Ann presenting their daughter, Mary, to God in the temple. Over the High Altar is the depiction of the crucifixion of Our Blessed Savior, along with the Blessed Mother, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. John.

The High Altar contains the tabernacle and was a gift of Bishop Hartley. (Altar trivia: If you look closely, you will find an extra hand at the supper table. By carefully matching arms, hands and bodies, it is apparent that the artist simply added an extra hand to make it “look right”, even though the hand does not belong to anyone at the table.) The Altar of Sacrifice was installed in 2003 and contains a beautiful reliquary of mostly Dominican saints. The wrought iron pulpit was installed in 1937 and contains the crests of the Diocese of Columbus, the Dominican Order, and the Dominican Province of St. Joseph.

The stained glass windows beginning with the northeast corner and continuing to the southeast corner depict the Last Supper of Jesus and the Apostles, The Annunciation, Saint Margaret Mary Alocoque, The Wedding Feast at Cana, St. Patrick, The Dominican Shield, Saints Vincent de Paul and Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Mary Magdalene, The Death of St. Joseph, The Resurrection, and the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

To the left of the main altar is The Shrine of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception which holds smaller statues of St. Mary Magdalene, patroness of penitents and protectress of the Dominican Order, and St. Dominic. The Shrine of St. Joseph and the Child Jesus to the right of the main altar holds smaller statues of St. Patrick and St. Michael the Archangel.

Separating the sanctuary from the main body of the church is a beautiful altar rail which is still in use today. To the left of the main sanctuary is the Priest sacristy, and to the right is the Altar Boy sacristy. The doors to these sacristies have Tiffany stained glass depicting angels adoring before the Blessed Sacrament. The Bl. Margaret Shrine and the communion rail kneeling pads are handmade cross-stitch tapestry. This beautiful and intricate artwork was done by members of the Women's Club.

The bell tower is located above the Shrine of Bl. Margaret. There are three automated bells that were dedicated on the 8th of August 2003. They are named S.P.N. DominicusOur Holy Father Dominic (1,100 lbs), Mater Ecclesia—Mother of the Church (690 lbs.), and S.P. Franciscus—Holy Father Francis (455 lbs.). The bells ring the Angelus three times a day, five minutes before each weekend Mass, and other occasions as well.

In the space that joins our church to the new parish center, a baptistery full of light and sacred space welcomes the newest members of the church and reminds those already baptized of their new life in Christ. The baptismal font is carved from Alabama limestone and weighs 2.5 tons. It is modeled after a 12th Century baptismal font at the church where St. Dominic served as an apprentice to his uncle who was a parish priest. The Baptismal gallery or atrium also houses shrines to our Lady, the Sacred Heart, and our patron, St. Patrick. The circular window carries the Greek monogram for Jesus Christ. Down the courtyard corridor is a separate alcove shrine to St. Joseph. The newly constructed parish center houses parish offices, offices for pastoral staff, a conference room, parish library, two large banquet halls, lavatories, classrooms, and meeting rooms.