Flocknote Information

Flocknote - Keeping you informed
about Parish Life at your own speed

FLOCKNOTE is a communication tool that has become popular in churches across the country because it helps people stay connected in the ways they prefer with the parish groups they're interested in. While it enables the friars, staff, and group leaders of the parish to communicate more effectively with you, it will also enable you to control whether and how you receive communication (by email, text, or not at all) on a group-specific basis. You will only
get announcements from groups you join, and getting off a group list is as easy as clicking "unsubscribe." Best of all, you don’t even need to create a password (unless you want to).

We ask all who are involved at St. Patrick's in any way, including
non-parishioners and Mass-goers, to sign up for this free service.

It takes about 2 minutes. Simply go to stpatrickcolumbus.flocknote.com and follow the prompts.

  • You can repeat the text-to-join process as many times as you want, e.g., to sign up for additional parish groups.
  • Your information (email and/or cell number) will be completely safe and secure. It will be visible only to administrative staff of St. Patrick's and to
    leaders of groups you choose to join, and it will not be shared with any other organization.
  • In addition to getting updates from groups you choose to join, you will occasionally receive updates that go out to the entire parish. These will be strictly limited to information about parish-wide special events and liturgies. You will not be spammed with announcements from "special interest" groups. And you can always unsubscribe.
  • Please sign up with both an email address and a cell number. If necessary, you can sign up with only one or the other.
  • In general, we encourage each person to sign up for his/her own Flocknote account. Two accounts cannot share the same email or cell number. It's
    helpful for us to know who exactly we are contacting.
  • Youth are welcome to sign up, especially if they are involved in a parish group. Flocknote is designed to be wholly compatible with safe environment and child-protection policies.
  • Feel free to share the text-to-join keyword by email, text, or word of mouth, but please don't post it anywhere online, such as your Facebook page, Twitter account, website, etc.
  • If your group leader enables comments on a particular note (for group discussion), keep in mind that "private comments" are visible not only to your group admin(s) but also to the staff and friars of St. Patrick’s. "Public comments" are visible to all members of your particular group.
  • When you join a closed group (marked with a padlock symbol), you’ll be added to the group after the admin approves your request to join.
  • Any questions, go to help.flocknote.com or call the parish office.