As a means of spiritual support and communion during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be maintaining a prayer list here. If you have a friend or family member who is in special need of prayer and you would like to add them to the list of people to be prayed for, send us a message using the contact form below. Please note the following:
- Only names will be published on the prayer list, not specific intentions. Names of individuals or of entire families are acceptable.
- Please limit your request to those for whom you most want prayers. Do not send in a long list of names.
- Anyone who is added to the list must be okay with having their name published on the website. It's your responsibility to ensure that this condition is satisfied.
- To request that someone be added to the prayer list, you must know each other personally as friends or family members.
- If the person to be prayed for is deceased, please indicate this in your request.
- Names will remain posted for a period of 4 months. At the end of that time, you can request that they be added again.
- Your name (the requestor's name) will not be published.
- You must be a parishioner of St. Patrick's to make requests, and you must include your full name and email address on the contact form when you make your request.
Submit your Prayer Request
Download and Print the Prayer List