I’m new to Saint Patrick. Where do I start?

Welcome to Saint Patrick Catholic Church!

Celtic CrossYou will notice from the first time you enter St. Patrick's that it is a unique and vibrant church. Our parish has been administered by the Dominican friars of the Province of Saint Joseph since 1885. The Dominican friars bring to the parish eight centuries of tradition, dating to our founding by St. Dominic in 1216 as an order of friars who embrace the monastic traditions of community life, daily community prayer, ongoing study, sharing possessions in common, and wearing a religious habit, and yet—unlike the monks—undertake the mission of preaching for the salvation of souls, going especially to cities and universities to carry out this apostolate. Our Dominican tradition includes many saints whose images you will see in our parish art and architecture and whose wisdom and exemplary lives you will hear about in our preaching and parish devotions, such as St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, and our beloved "little sister," Saint Margaret of Castello.

We invite you to take a newcomers tour of our historic church and parish center after the noon Mass on the first Sunday of each month. Learn more about the history of our parish.

Our Parish Mission

As St. Dominic brought his friars together to encounter Christ in prayer, study, and community (contemplare) and then to hand on the fruits of this encounter to others through preaching (et contemplata aliis tradere), St. Patrick parish welcomes Catholics from far and near to encounter Christ in the Supper of the Lamb and in the saving truth of our Catholic faith, so that we can hand on what we have received to a world hungry for his truth given in love.

Come to the Supper of the Lamb: Deepen in prayer, receive the Sacraments, and grow in faith

Come to the Supper of the Lamb by attending the Mass and encountering Christ in his Word and in the Holy Eucharist. Need your sins forgiven? We offer Confession seven days a week. See our Mass, Confession, and Adoration times.

Are you interested in learning more about becoming Catholic and entering the Church? Find out more about the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (O.C.I.A.). We will be glad to connect with you and help you get started!

Are you looking for a great way for your children to learn their Catholic faith and the art of Catholic living? Learn about our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program for young children, and our CCD program, offering catechesis all the way through high school, here. Discover more about our excellent junior high and high school Youth Ministry programs

Start here if you would like to get married, have your child baptized, or need to plan a funeral at Saint Patrick. 

Would you like to learn more about our good, true, and beautiful Catholic faith at St. Patrick? Find out about our faith formation offerings. 

Bring Christ to a hungry world: Connect to your fellow parishioners and get involved in our mission 

Sign up for our parish Flocknotes for e-mail and text updates, and register at St. Patrick if you will be joining us regularly! 

Are you a college student at Columbus State Community College, Columbus College or Art and Design, or another downtown college? Explore our Catholic campus outreach

Are you ready to get involved in one of our many parish ministries and organizations, or just to browse? Find out more. 

Whether you are new to exploring the Catholic faith, new to the area, or ready to come home if you’ve been away, welcome to Saint Patrick!