Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord - March 24
The Solemn Entrance begins in the back of the church
preceding the 5:00pm Vigil Mass, the 9:00am and the
10:30am Masses; the Procession begins in Patrick
Hall preceding the Noon Mass.
Masses at 5:00 p.m. on the eve;
Masses: 7am, 9am, 10:30am, 12-noon
Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday of Holy Week - March 25, 26, 27
Masses at 7:00am and 11:45am Confessions as 12:15pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 12:15-7:00pm Solemn Vespers (Sung) and Benediction (Incense), 7:00pm Confessions after Vespers until all heard. |
Holy Thursday - March 28
Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper (Incense), 7:00pm Procession to the Repository in Patrick Hall at the conclusion of Mass. Confessions will be heard in the church and the library after the Procession. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Patrick Hall until Midnight, |
Good Friday - March 29
Day of Fast and Abstinence Seven Last Words of Christ, 12 noon - 2:45pm Confessions will be heard during the Seven Last Celebration of the Lord's Passion, 3:00pm Tenebrae, 7:30pm |
Holy Saturday - March 30
Easter Vigil in the Holy Night, 9:00pm (Incense) Reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, No Confessions Today |
Easter Sunday - March 31
7:00am Mass: No Music and Incense Free 9:00am Mass: With Music and Incense Free 10:30am Mass: With Music and Incense 12 noon Mass: With Music and Incense No Confessions Today |